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meet your oracle

Nathaly (nat-ah-lee) is an Oracle CEO & Hypnotist with 10 years of client experience.


Before moving to the online space, she had been featured on ABC & CBS working with high profile leaders in Washington DC as their Reiki Master Teacher & Hypnotist.


Over the last 6+ years Nathaly has been the Go-To Oracle & Hypnotist for VIP Coaches & Millionaire Masterminds, whom she has helped scale from $10k-100k months and counting.


Nathaly is the is the creator of the Granja Vortex Method, a certification program blending energy work and subconscious reprogramming.

Today she works with Healers, Leaders & Disruptors by guiding their shadow, gifts & business strategy into a new state of being...their Most Abundant Timeline™

F E A T U R E D  O N

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